Work With Me

We got work to do!

How many times have you said, " I'll get to that tomorrow."? What if you reach the last of your days, where there are no more tomorrow and you realized you never fully lived. You never become who you wanted to be. You never accomplished your purpose. Friend, that's a hard pill to swallow. Success comes from taking initiative. If you feel you deserve more and you inner voice is pushing you, don’t ignore the signs. If you don’t start taking actions now you will probably become a version of yourself you never wanted to be. I DONT WANT THAT FOR YOU!


Hi friend, Are you ready to…


Your purpose is waiting for you !

I help individuals become the very best version of themselves. With my comprehensive guided resources, you’ll unearth renewed confidence and tactics to help you focus more on strengthening your spiritual walk with God, awakening your own truth, grasping the power of self-love and discovery, building healthy relationships and fulfilling your life’s purpose.

Imagine if you could…

Wake up inspired and excited for your day, knowing that you’re doing what you’re meant to be doing.

Live a happy and successful life, aligned to your values, your purpose and your soul.

Overcome your fears and limiting beliefs, with the confidence to handle anything life throws your way.

Make a positive impact on the world, utilizing your talents, gifts and strengths to contribute to something bigger than yourself.

I’ve got you covered !

  • Our sessions will get the wheels turning again. You will have the opportunity to clear the fog with simple mindset shifts, aligned tools, and fresh perspectives.

  • Take part in group coaching and immersive workshops, learn from guest speakers, and re-wire ingrained habits keeping you stuck.

  • Journey a life-changing course to a renewed sense of direction. You will gain fresh perspectives that inspire curiosity and deepens realization of who you truly are.

Let’s Work Together

  • One-on-One Intensive

    Together we will deep-dive about who you truly are and the life you desire for yourself.

  • Ongoing Coaching

    In this process, you are the expert on you and your life. However, you will build a partnership with your coach to help you get what you desire out of life.

One-on-One Intensive


$120 / 90 MIN CALL

You will walk away from this 90-minute high impact assessment session with goals and a plan for moving your life forward!

What you get:

  • One-on-one meeting with your coach via phone/Skype/ in person, depending on schedules.

  • Map out your life and where you want to take it, how big you want it to be, who will be in it, what the rules are, and what you are willing to do to protect it.

  • Bring your most significant obstacles in life, relationships and/or career, and Tanae will help you CRUSH them.

Ongoing Coaching


$1,250/ 3 MO / 12 sessions

Coaching includes:

  • Exactly what you need to help you move forward efficiently and effectively, so that you can obtain your goals, release anything that’s holding you back, and walk into your purpose:
    ○ Guidance, support, structure
    ○ Accountability, brainstorming, a hype girl
    ○ Insight, practical tips, suggestions
    ○ Tools, resources, worksheets
    ○ Specific action steps to keep you moving forward

  • Regularly scheduled 1:1 coaching sessions, plus “just in time” support between sessions

  • Connections to other clients and like-minded individuals as appropriate

  • And of course, plenty of tough love to help you move outside your comfort zone, because that’s where the magic happens!

Meet Your Coach

Hi. I’m Tanae - entrepreneur in personal and spiritual growth, lifestyle design and wellness. I empower people to embrace their true potential and live a fulfilling life on purpose.

Have you started and stopped a million times? This rollercoaster life isn't what God had in mind for you. He created you with a divine purpose and, I am here to shed light on that purpose. I believe that we’re meant to enjoy our lives and make a positive impact with our God given gifts. My wish is that we all would be our authentic selves, take a chance on ourselves, and set out to create a life that brings joy. May we all learn to live fully and completely; to be alive, vibrant, and well!




Working with Mrs.Lawal was such a great pleasure. She was very informative, diligent, and eager to help me reach my goals! Thank you.”

TaMera M.

If you’re looking to be inspired and to start looking at life in a more positive way, she is the woman for you!

Brittany T.

I adore Tanae. such a pleasure to work with you! Thank you for all that you do and for being such a supportive coach!

Madeline J.




  • No, I identify myself as an Empowerment Coach. You may find this process to be therapeutic and may use your time to speak freely and openly. I am here to listen and support you.

  • Most of my clients work with me for 6 months, others a year. Some have been with me longer and others have come to address a specific issue for a shorter time.

  • That is 100% up to you and how committed you are to yourself. Trust in the process and be ready to work. You get out what you put in.

  • We are located in Cambridge, MD. We do not travel for coaching and meditation session. We provide virtual services if needed.

    However, we travel for events for a fee.

Are you fulfilling your purpose?